Wednesday 12 August 2015

My head in Your laps; Your power in my hair

And I will cut off the judge from its midst, and slay all its princes with himAmos 2: 3

I love the way you weave my hair
God’s power therein from you I hid so well
I loved the way you looked at me
Your piercing eyes searing red hot through my skin
Yet the source of my might you couldn’t see

With your cold gaze you held my stare
You’re the only one who’d even dare

As sure as I’m the son of Adam
You’re a daughter of Eve
Though I’m not quite sure
Our mother’d trade her prized virtue
To satisfy her personal greed

But it’s not your fault
I was the one in need
Being with you
Allowed my ego and vanity to feed

I willingly walked into your arms
Turned my back on His face
Took for granted my Master’s holy grace

My father’d warned me but I didn’t care
My mother would weep in shame and despair
And now my tribe and Israel, weighed down with fear
Their ceaseless warnings, I refused to head or hear

But you my lady are just so fair

You I wooed against His wisdom
Choosing to defy His divine convention
The whole nation raged, there was great contention

We wined and dined under the canopy of the starry Palestinian night
Inseparable lovers we couldn’t be parted
Love notes and love totems
Shared joys and sorrows
Lovers’ quarrels and the hope of tomorrow
We broke up and stormed
We made up and made love

How then was I to see,
the deception that soon would engulf me?
How was I to know you’d use me, ridicule me,
enslave me, family and country?

I had asked for your hand in marriage
(though my folks did try to discourage)
You said I’d have to pay the dowry
I’d do anything for you to agree
But the cost I should have dodged or parried
This was not the currency we’d agreed!

Your asking price I couldn’t believe
- The one thing on earth I was not allowed to give
“Darling” you said “if you love me true
tell me the secret of your godly strength.”

You prevailed on me,
Nagged and wailed to me
Your pain I no longer could bear to see
Like a hovering vulture
 you persisted in patience
by now my soul
 was weary with your insistence
I reasoned that this was destiny
Since you and I were meant to be.

Eventually I yielded
 to the charms she wielded
and after all the childish pranks I played
by a Philistine mob I was soon waylaid
as the Book rightly says, my head was shorn
my super-strength gone
trapped and downtrodden, and treated with scorn.

Now the result of my folly’s plain for all to see
But the real shame’s that it doesn’t just affect me
And now the fate of my people’s in jeopardy.

In shackles, in chains but my heart’s broken
And all this you did for less than a token

Now I must return to the One whose refuge is sure
The One who’s holy, righteous, just and pure.

Lord I know I’ve fallen from your grace
My strength I do not ask You to replace
Restore to me Your fellowship I pray
Let me know You for one more day
Have mercy on me let me see Your face.

That night He came to me in my cell
That dreary place where I was forced to dwell
One like a son of man, clad in a robe as white as snow
a golden sash around his chest
His head and hair as white as snow
His eyes were blazing bright like fire
He was awesome and grand! I lay prostrate before Him
I’d never known fear but in truth I was frightened
His hand on my head, He gently reassured me
“Be at peace my son, it is your Lord, it is me.”
And with that I was calm, my soul enlightened.

“A broken and contrite spirit is what I seek,
Humility you’ve learnt, your powers no longer at their peak.
Forgiveness is in my power to give,
Dear son, My hand of fellowship receive.”

“To avenge your sight,
 I will restore your might
Now judge this nation
For its transgression.”

I love the way You lead me Lord,
Your hand on my head anointing me
Your mercy transforming the old man that was me
Divine power washing away every blot of my sin.

I love the way You comfort me
Your anointing flows through every sinew of my skin
I’m your battle ax - Prepared for war,
Blessed be the Lord my God
Who teacheth my hands to fight,
and my fingers to make war.

They drag me out
To mock and to jest at
This is their day to worship the idol Dagon
Their kings and princes laugh with derision
Unknown to them I’ll yet fulfil my life’s mission.

My hands take hold of those two wide columns
Now I’ve got God’s enemies all in one place
It’s time to redeem Israel’s disgrace
It’s time to make my way home to see my Lord and Master’s face.

“So the dead which he slew at his death were more than they which he slew in his life.” Judges 16:30


1 comment:

  1. This was written by a great friend and brother of mine. Please support his work. Its true art.
    Great job Semi.
